Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Despite initial skepticism, Miramax has decided to fully pursue a live-action verson of Thundercats. Harvey Weinstein, legendary Hollywood producer, stated that Justin Timerberlake's rousing audition as Snarf, an intelligent cat-like creature, sealed the deal. It's unclear who will play Cheetara.

A little to the left

Darryl Peabody has never believed himself to be particularly photogenic. However, after exploring a digital camera that he recieved during the Kwanza season, Peabody thinks he has found the perfect angle to be photographed from. Peabody expects that his number of facebook friends will roughly double. "Yeah, I'm pretty certain that my mom will finally accept my invites. I know that I've been pretty persistant in the past, but I feel like this picture will open a few doors for me. But you can never be too sure of anything."


A day after Shanghai's stock market reached a record high, it tumbled 8.8 percent on Tuesday, causing knee-jerk reactions in both the American and European financial markets. While Chinese newspapers are eager to write it off as a response to impending increases in interest rates or a reduction in lending money, a few economists of questionable merit are wondering if there isn't an alternate cause.

Late February, as we all know, marks the end of clementine season. While Americans are particularly fond of the small, orange fruit, it is well established that clementines represent 28% of chinese imports. Clementines are, of course, generally preferred over similar citrus fruits because of their thick, easy-to-peel skin. Women also find them "cute." They are, however, highly price-inelastic and the decreased supply represents a blight to the average Wang Q. Public.

Economists expect the Chinese market to return to normal levels over the coming months, however, as Chinese consumers turn to clementine substitutes. Quoting one Chinese man, "I may even purchase a mango."

Open Call for Prison Architects, Send me your Blueprints ASAP

Send me your best Pavement drawings. The top 3 will be posted on this website. Also, prepare for the next contest. That challenge will be to write the best Pavement lyrics that Pavement never wrote. Start thinking about it now! The winner gets a flannel shirt a Nirvana mixtape.